In this article
Edit working hours to maintain your working schedule or that of a staff member at each location.
From the navigation menu, click Hours
Click Working Hours
From the results table, navigate to the staff member and location whose hours you want to edit
Click View
Adjust the days worked by toggling on/off the days the staff member is or is not at that location
Adjust the hours worked by updating the Open and Closed times to reflect the staff member’s hours at that location
Click Save Changes
A staff member's working hours are edited to no longer be available Wednesdays or Fridays
The updated working hours for that location and staff member are noted in the results table. Future changes can be made by clicking View and editing the working hours. Or, the working hours can be archived by clicking View and then clicking Archive.
Hot Tip!
A staff member’s working hours at a location will take precedence over the business hours at that location. To ensure clients can schedule appointments for any time during a location’s business hours, ensure there are working hours assigned to one or more staff members at that location for those times.
A note on access and visibility
Admin users can update working hours for any staff member at any location.
Managers can update working hours for themselves and for any staff member at locations to which the manager is assigned.
Staff members can update their working hours at the locations to which they’re assigned.