In this article
Manage hours for locations and staff members to determine available time slots for clients to schedule appointments.
Hours Categories
There are three types of hours that can be managed: Business Hours, Working Hours, and Adjustments.
Business Hours
These hours represent the standard hours a location is open for business. Business hours are used to display a location’s open and closed times to clients during the scheduling process.
Review this article for more information on editing a location’s Business Hours.
Working Hours
These hours represent the standard hours a staff member works at a location.
Review this article for more information on adding Working Hours or this article for more information in editing Working Hours.
Adjustments are used to change the standard Business or Working Hours for specific days. For example, if a location is closed for a holiday, an Adjustment can be made for that location to override the Business Hours and Working Hours for that day.
Review this article for more information on making adjustments to a location’s Business Hours or this article for more information on making adjustments to a staff member’s Working Hours.
Calculating Availability
The combination of Business Hours, Working Hours, and Adjustments determine when a staff member is available to take appointments. Hours of higher priority type will take precedence over hours with lower priority for the same day.
NOTE: In the case of Business Hours Adjustments, an override indicates that the Staff can only be booked during these hours option has been selected as part of the adjustment. The adjustment will take precedence over a staff member’s working hours.
Availability is calculated by the hours types noted above, with higher priority types taking precedence
Use cases from our customers
Hybrid and remote work
Do any of your staff work in a hybrid or remote style, spending only part of their day at a business location? If so, their working hours can be set to reflect this which ensures that your business is providing the most accurate availability information to your members/clients. If these conditions are only temporary, adjustments can be added to maintain accuracy during that period.
Floating teams
Does your business have a floating team that moves between business locations to meet your client’s/member’s needs? If so, you can manage working and business hours to reflect this. For example, each staff member’s working hours can be set to reflect the location they will be working at each day, and your business locations business hours can be set to reflect varying opening and closing times depending where the floating team is working for the day. Adjustments can also be added to reflect any temporary changes to the team’s schedule.
A note on access and visibility
Admin users can manage Business Hours, Working Hours, and Adjustments for any staff member or location
Managers can manage Business Hours, Working Hours, and Adjustments at locations to which they’re assigned.
Staff users can only manage Working Hours and Adjustments for themselves at the locations to which they’re assigned.