In this article
Create an appointment on behalf of a client (or, depending on your role, another staff member) so that the client has a pre-booked day and time to discuss a specific service.
A new appointment can be created from wherever you are within Coconut, and also from within Schedule.
Add an appointment from anywhere
To add an appointment from anywhere:
From the navigation menu, click +New
Click Appointment
The Schedule Appointment screen displays; complete your selections
Click Book Appointment
For more details on completing the schedule appointment flow, please refer to this article.
Add an appointment from Schedule
To add an appointment from Schedule:
From the navigation menu, click Schedule
Do one of the following:
Click + New and select Appointment
Click the desired date and time from within the calendar and select Appointment
NOTE: To pre-populate the location and staff member for the appointment, select the calendar for the desired location and staff member prior to selecting an available date and time
NOTE: To include multiple staff members in the appointment, Multiple Staff Appointments must be enabled at your organization
From the Attendees field in the New Appointment screen, search for and select the client the appointment is for
If the appointment is for someone new to your organization, click New Client
Enter a first and last name for the new client
Complete the remaining optional fields now, or at a later time by accessing the client’s profile from Clients (review Add a Client for additional details)
Confirm the intended staff member is listed as the Staff contact on the appointment
If not, click the More Actions ellipsis to remove the current staff member
From the Attendees field, search for and select the intended staff member
NOTE: You can also add multiple staff members to an appointment by searching for and selecting additional staff in this way
Select/confirm the date and time for the appointment
To set a recurrence for the appointment, click Repeat, then set the desired frequency and range
Hot tip! When creating a recurring appointment, set the start and end time for the first recurrence, and then set the number of times that recurrence will repeat
For example, if away for training from 2-4pm Monday-Wednesday:
Set the start date for Monday
Set the start time for 2:00
Set the end time for 4:00
Set the end date for Monday
Click Repeat
From Repeats, select Daily
From End Date, select Wednesday
Click Done
Within Details, select the service the appointment is for from the Service dropdown
Within Details, complete the following optional items, if desired:
Select a meeting method from the Meeting Method dropdown
Click Add meeting space to book a meeting room for an in-person appointment
If required, search and select an alternative location from the Location field
NOTE: This option is available only to Managers and Administrators
Click Additional Details and enter public-facing notes in the textbox to add additional information to the appointment
From Internal Notes, click Add notes to include information that is not visible to the client, but may be helpful for a staff member facilitating appointments with this client
Click Save
Confirm what, if any, notifications you want to send to the staff member and to the client:
Click Send notification once selections are made
Click Don’t send if no notification to the staff member or to the client is required
The created appointment displays in the calendar within Schedule, with the appointment status set to Confirmed. Click the appointment to review the details and/or edit the appointment.
Hot Tip!
When viewing your calendar, appointments that are semi-transparent indicate that they are taking place at another location. The appointments are editable by clicking the appointment in the calendar view and clicking the edit icon. To change the location you are viewing, from the location drop-down in the calendar view, select your desired location.
Appointments that are semi-transparent in their display indicate that the appointment is taking place at another location than is selected in the calendar view
Another Hot Tip!
To hover and automatically view internal notes for an appointment in Schedule view, click the schedule filters dropdown and select Internal Notes.
Additional Resources
If your organization is using the Microsoft® Exchange calendar sync, please refer to this Quickstart for more info related to appointments.
If your organization is using the GSuite calendar sync, please refer to this Quickstart for more info related to appointments.
If you are using the Microsoft® Outlook Add-In, please refer to this article for more info.
A note on access and visibility
Admins, managers, staff, and contact center roles can create an appointment.