In this article
Configure specific services to include the ability to create group appointments so that multiple unrelated clients can attend the same event.
Use Cases
Group appointments are a great way to create an event where multiple people can attend, either at the same time or in staggered starts. For example:
Your organization would like to host an optional webinar on legacy gifting that clients can register for in advance (check out our article on how to use a booking shortcut to do this here)
Your organization would like to offer an event with a designated staff on a specific theme, where clients can sign up for a designated time slot (for example, a Children's Account day, where parents can sign up in 15 minute intervals to open a bank account for their child)
You would like to schedule an internal team-building event with your department
Note: Clients/members must book into a group appointment using the online booking process, or by a staff member adding them through the schedule. Booking into a group appointment through the Contact Center is not available at this time.
Create the group appointment
From the navigation menu, click Schedule
Do one of the following:
NOTE: To pre-populate the location and staff member for the appointment, select the calendar for the desired location and staff member prior to selecting an available date and time
NOTE: To include multiple staff members in the appointment, Multiple Staff Appointments must be enabled at your organization
Click + New and select Appointment
Click the desired date and time from within the calendar and select Appointment
Do one of the following:
From the Attendees field in the New Appointment screen, search for and select a client who will be attending the appointment
To add clients to the group appointment at a later time, leave the Attendees section without a client and proceed to the next action
Confirm the intended staff member is listed as the Staff contact on the appointment
NOTE: You can also add multiple staff members to an appointment by searching for and selecting additional staff in this way
If not, click the More Actions ellipsis to remove the current staff member
From the Attendees field, search for and select the intended staff member
Select/confirm the date and time for the appointment
To set a recurrence for the group appointment, click Repeat, then set the desired frequency and range
Hot tip! When creating a recurring group appointment, set the start and end time for the first recurrence, and then set the number of times that recurrence will repeat
For example, if away for training from 2-4pm Monday-Wednesday:
Set the start date for Monday
Set the start time for 2:00
Set the end time for 4:00
Set the end date for Monday
Click Repeat
From Repeats, select Daily
From End Date, select Wednesday
Click Done
Within Details, select the appropriate group service from the Service dropdown
Enter the Client Limit for the group appointment/event
NOTE: Leave this field blank to provide unlimited attendance for the appointment/event
Within Details, complete the following optional items, if desired:
NOTE: This option is available only to Managers and Administrators
Select a meeting method from the Meeting Method dropdown
Click Add meeting space to book a meeting room for an in-person appointment
If required, search and select an alternative location from the Location field
Click Additional Details and enter public-facing notes in the textbox to add additional information to the appointment
From Internal Notes, click Add notes to include information that is not visible to the client, but may be helpful for a staff member facilitating the group appointment
Click Save
Add attendees to the group appointment
From Schedule, click the group appointment
Click Edit
From the Attendees field in the Edit Appointment screen, search for and select the client attending the group appointment
If the attendee is someone new to your organization, click New Client
Enter a first and last name for the new client
Complete the remaining optional fields now, or at a later time by accessing the client’s profile from Clients (review Creating a Client for additional details)
Repeat for existing and/or new clients who will be attending the group appointment
Click Save
Confirm what, if any, notifications you want to send to the client:
Click Send notification once selections are made
Click Don’t send if no notification to the client is required
You are returned to the calendar view in Schedule. Click the appointment to review the details and/or make additional edits to the appointment.