In this article
NOTE: Some images may refer to Microsoft® Entra ID as 'Active Directory'
To sync the Single Sign-On (SSO) integration, you will first need to set up an app within the Identity Provider (IDP). The steps for setting up an app differ depending on the IDP your company is using.
The Single Sign-On (SSO) integration allows you to set up a single username (ID) and password to sign into multiple software applications.
The SSO integration feature is an optional add-on. For further information regarding pricing and activation, please contact your customer success manager.
Adding an App in Entra ID
Coconut Software recommends you download the Coconut Calendar metadata file from Coconut Calendar before adding an app in Entra ID. You will need the information in the metadata file as part of the Entra ID app setup.
NOTE: For Unique User Identifier, select user.mail and NOT user.principalname.
For more information, refer to the Integrate Single Sign-On (SSO) with Coconut article.
Navigate to the Browser on your Personal Computer (PC)
Navigate to
Enter your Microsoft username (email, phone, etc.) in the Username field
Click Next
Enter your Microsoft password in the Password field
Click Next
The Microsoft Azure Home screen will appear
Click on the Entra ID icon
Entra ID Icon
Click on the Enterprise Application link under Manage on the Menu bar
Enterprise Application Link
Click on the + New Application button.
+ New Application Button
Click on the + Create your own application button
+ Create Your Own Application Button
App creation
Enter the name of the new application in the What's the name of your app? field
What's the Name of Your App Field
Select Integrate any other application you don't find in the gallery
Click Create
Uploading a metadata file
Click on the Set up single sign on tile under Getting Started
Set Up Single Sign On Tile
Click on the Security Assertion Markup Language (SAML) tile
SAML is an authorization language that is used to share user credentials (information) across multiple platforms (applications)
Coconut Calendar's SSO integration uses SAML 2.0 to connect the integration
Click Upload metadata file
NOTE: You will need the metadata file from Coconut Calendar that is downloaded as part of the integration setup
Click on the Upload File icon
Upload File Icon
Select the Coconut Calendar metadata file from the connect personal computer (PC)
Select Metadata File
The Upload Metadata File screen will reload with the selected Coconut Calendar metadata file loaded
Upload Metadata File Screen
Click on the Add button to upload the Coconut Calendar metadata file to the Entra ID app
Add Button
The Basic SAML Configuration screen will appear on the left side of the screen
A Confirmation pop-up screen will appear, indicating that the metadata file was successfully uploaded
Click Save to save the metadata information to the Entra ID app
Save Button
Click on the x button in the top right-hand corner of the Basic SAML Configuration screen to close the screen and return to the Set up Single Sign On with SAML Screen
X Button
The Test Single Sign-On screen will appear, click on the No, I'll test later button
You will need to download the metadata file from Entra ID and upload the credentials to Coconut Calendar
No, I'll Test Later Button
Downloading the metadata file
The Set up Single Sign-On with SAML screen will appear
Scroll down to the SAML Signing Certificate section and click on the Download link next to Federation Metadata XML
Download the certification file to the connected Personal Computer (PC)
The certification file will be used to sync Entra ID to Coconut Calendar
SAML Signing Certificate Section
Scroll down to the Set up (Add Name) section and write down/record the data/information in the Login URL, Entra ID Identifier, and Logout URL fields
This information will be used to sync Entra ID to Coconut Calendar
Metadata Information Fields
Entra ID to Coconut Calendar field-to-field
Entra ID = Entity ID
Logout URL = SLO URL
Federation Metadata XML = x509 Certificate
Continue to Coconut Software to connect the SSO integration. For further information, refer to the Integrate Single Sign-On (SSO) with Coconut article.
A note on access and visibility
Administrators in Coconut have access to Entra ID.